Infertility Treatment in Chennai

Infertility Treatment

Infertility is not a sexual disorder. Rather it is a condition of the reproductive system that can be caused by a number of factors in both men and women.

Our reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialists are compassionate, providing personalized care to assist couples who wish to become parents. With expertise in male and female infertility conditions, as well as women’s endocrine conditions, we provide a wide range of assisted reproductive treatments.

Infertility treatment at Astra Hospital provides comprehensive assistance to couples who are not able to conceive on their own. Ranges from fairly simple techniques such as timing intercourse and inducing ovulation, advanced treatments such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and IVF/ICSI using a sperm or egg donor or surrogacy.

Infertility Treatment

Astra hospital is one of the few hospitals offering an extensive range of fertility services. Supported by a team of specialist consultants in the fields of fertility, gynaecology and urology, we offer advice and treatments in all aspects of assisted conception, gynaecology, endoscopic surgery and infertility.

Key Treatments

  • Egg Freezing utilising the Vitrification Process
  • Follicular Tracking
  • IUI – Intra-Uterine Insemination
  • IVF – In-Vitro Fertilisation
  • IVF with Donor Eggs
  • IVF with Donor Sperm
  • ICSI – Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
  • Egg Sharing Treatments
  • Surrogacy Treatments
  • Surgical Sperm Retrieval
  • Time-lapse Imaging of Embryos
  • Genetic testing of embryos

Key Tests

Some tests and consent forms required for fertility treatment. You will be ready to begin treatment when you have:

  • Completed your initial consultation and agreed on a treatment plan with your fertility specialist
  • Completed all your relevant consent forms
  • Completed all your relevant screening tests
  • Made arrangements for your donor eggs or donor sperm (if applicable) – please note that if you are importing sperm or eggs from abroad, this may delay the start of your treatment.

Risk factors affecting fertility

There are also a number of key risk factors which do affect fertility in both men and women:

  • Age – female and male fertility to a lesser extent does decline with age. This is particularly so for women whose fertility starts to decline after the age of 35.
  • Weight – being overweight or obese reduces your fertility. We recommend a BMI of under 30 to give you an optimal chance of success.  We do however treat women with a BMI up to 35.
  • Smoking – can affect chances of conceiving in women and reduce semen quality in men. We recommend that you have given up smoking for at least three months before trying to conceive.
  • Alcohol – the safest approach for women is not to drink if planning to get pregnant and for men, too much alcohol can affect sperm quality. Once pregnant women should avoid drinking alcohol altogether.
  • Stress – in severe cases can affect ovulation and sperm production. In lesser a loss of sex drive. We do however understand that infertility and undergoing fertility treatment can be a stressful time.  Our monthly support group and counselling are available for all our patients of infertility treatment in Chennai.
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Book an appointment with Astra Speciality Hospital